Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Healthy Eating

You should always eat 6 meals a day. Eating a meal every 3 hours. Portions of about 200-600 calories.


  1. I do eat every 2 1/2 - 3 hours. I work out 6 days a week. A very rigorous workout. P90X. Heard of it? Anyway, I have been doing it for over 12 weeks and though I have seen some results they are not what I think they should be. I eat pretty clean, too. I harldly drink or eat sweets or fatty foods. I eat between 1200-1900 cals a day depending on how I feel and the workout I did. I have started drinking protein shakes or recovery drinks right after my workouts. Something I did not do before. I started that abou 4 weeks ago. How can I get down from a Size 8 to a Size 6????????

  2. That's a hard question to answer because there are several variables that I dont know. Such as your body fat%, your specific food intake, or what resitance your using during your P90x workouts. I'm sure that I can help you figure out exactly what the problem is, however inorder to do so, I will need more information regarding your daily and personal routines.

    Based on what information I do have, I would recommend altering the workout. There is a possibility that your body has become accustomed to your routine, making your results less effective.

    For online personal training, please visit

  3. Thanks for getting back to me, Mitch.

    Yes, I know it would be hard to determine the issue without knowing all the info.

    I do journal my food and try to eat more protein than carbs. My Body Fat is around 25.5%. At least that is what it was last year at this time and I am the same from last year.

    During the P90x upper body I use 12 lb weights for bicep and chest exercises. For triceps and some shoulder exercises I use 5 to 8 lbs.

    Iam on the 12th week of his P90x+ that has different routines and I am thinking about getting his 1 on 1 set to vary things up.

    I am afraid to go to another DVD series because I am thinking it would not be challenging enough.

    Maybe I should do more cardio? It is just that I heard that the weight lifting burns more longer.

    Below is some more info:

    Age: 42

    Height: 5’ 5 ½”

    Weight: 150

    Size: 8

    Body Fat: 25.5%

    Workout: 6 days a week, in the morning right after I get up. I do not eat first. I used to wait until I got to work to eat, but about 4 weeks ago I started having either a protein drink with 8 oz of skim milk (220 cals, 30g pro) or a protein bar (200 cals, 20g pro) and an apple or some kind of carb.

    I eat every 2 ½ to 3 hours and try not to go over 1600 cals per day, but sometimes I do.

    I am on week 12 of a 12 week system, though I did work out a few weeks like this before I officially started the 12 weeks.

    I do Beachbody’s P90x+ by Tony Horton. They say you can burn between 500-600 cals per workout.

    Workout week consists of:

    Monday: Arms (40 mins) and Abs (20 mins) (pull ups, push ups and free weights)

    Tuesday: Either Interval X (45 mins) or Pylometrics (60 mins)

    Wednesday: Total Body WorkOut (45 mins)

    Thursday: Yoga X (60 mins of Power Yoga)

    Friday: Arms (40 mins) and Abs (20 mins) (pull ups, push ups and free weights)

    Saturday: Kenpo X+ (Kickboxing type cardio and strength work)

    Sunday: Rest but play an hour of softball and usually do about 30 mins of rollerblading.

    Sometimes I go rollerblading during any given night during the week as well.
    I play an hour of softball once a week as well.

    Issue I am having: About 4 years ago I was about 160 pounds and a Size 12. I started doing the Tony Horton P90 series (beginning level of his program and worked my way up to P90X). I lost about 10 pounds and was almost into a 10. I joined Weight Watchers that January at 150 and by the July 4th weekend I was 135 and in a loose Size 8. I leveled off at 140 and was happy with that but I have since got to 150 due to some bad eating habits for a while. I still worked out but was trying to change things up. Like running and only doing some of the P90x.

    So after too many cocktails in Hawaii in Feb (coming off Christmas as well!) I was busting out of the 8s.

    I decided to get serious after vacation. So in March I started back working out 6 days a week and watching what I eat.

    I can get into my Size 8 clothes, no problem, somewhat loose, but can NOT get off 150 lbs!

    I still feel a little fleshy. I do not consider myself “ripped”.

    How do I get to that next level?

    Some things that I never did on WW:

    1. Eat peanut butter

    2. Eat ceral – even the healthystuff

    3. Drink milk – even skim

    4. Eat after 8 pm.

    Now, I started eating peanut butter because I heard it was a super food and that drinking milk can actually help burn fat.

    However, I am off the PB again. I still drink the milk, though, in my protein drinks.

    I know this is really long and wordy and I appreciate you reading it….if you did.

